Shot from the loft, warming up

Shot from the loft, warming up

Last night I headed to a client’s photo shoot at a discreet warehouse on Norris Road.  What I expected was work at a basketball game.  What I got was an amazing experience.

Here’s why:

JAM-STYLE HOSPITALITY: When you walk through the front doors, the friendly staff greets you like you’re a welcome visitor in their home.

IT’S EXCITING, UP-CLOSE AND PERSONAL:  Every seat in the house is close enough to the action for you to reach out and touch the players.  You feel the energy on the court – think Jack Nicholson at a Lakers’ game.

THE OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT ARE ‘PRESENT’:  In addition to being at the game, they’re actively mixing with fans.  They know you by name and you can feel their authentic appreciation that you’re there.

IMPECCABLE SERVICE:  The efficient and friendly staff helps serve dinner before the game and visits your seat often to see if you’d like another beverage or saved room for some Dewar’s Ice Cream (there’s always room for Dewar’s, right?!).

THE BACKSTORY IS IN INSPIRATION:  When the Jam couldn’t fill the thousands of seats at Rabobank, they reinvented themselves.  By purposefully limiting game attendance in a smaller venue, they were able to partner with some of the County’s most successful business people for a win-win.

The team is very talented, has had a great season and last night won the Western Division Title.  I’m impressed by what the Jam has going on, both on and off the court.  They get it.

It doesn’t matter what business you’re in.

Create a memorable experience for your guests and success is a slam dunk.