Archive for Advertising in 2012

Quick.  Do You Value Your Customers’ Time?

Quick. Do You Value Your Customers’ Time?

Even the medical field is catching on.  2013 will bring amazing new innovations at private practices and hospitals designed to minimize wait times and provide additional convenience for patients.  They’re smart; they recognize change is an important part of creating a memorable customer experience. A…

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Air Travel:  “It Ought To Be Fun”

Air Travel: “It Ought To Be Fun”

In 2009, Andy Rooney, one of my favorite curmudgeons (may he Rest In Peace), did an air travel bit on 60 Minutes.  I always enjoyed his segments and as I flew home this holiday, I remembered this one with a smile.  He was, of course,…

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In a Perfect Facebook World . . .

In a Perfect Facebook World . . .

we would all get along and always play nicely when interacting with fan pages. Here’s the problem:  just who decides in the subjective world of ‘codes of behavior’ what playing nicely means? Let’s face it, social media has created a protocol conundrum for us all….

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New Life for Email

New Life for Email

“Will email continue to play a role in the future of advertising?” If you had asked me that question a year ago, I would have said “yes, but it’s diminishing.”   There were so many compelling reasons to think it was becoming a dinosaur in the…

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$1 Billion in Sales.  16 Days.  Nice Experiment.

$1 Billion in Sales. 16 Days. Nice Experiment.

” Social Meets Experimental ” is my number two pick for being the most fascinating 30 minutes of the of the conference.   When Tim  Ellis, the EVP and Global CMO at Activision, took the stage at the Pavilion, I was tempted to take coffee break.  Seemed…

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“Enjoy this pause in your Digital day” TiVo

“Enjoy this pause in your Digital day” TiVo

This is the branded coffee cup compliments of TiVo on the first day of this week’s Advertising Age Digital Conference, 2012. The irony made me laugh.   My peers were checking their Smart Phones as they filled their cups under the spigot of their brew of…

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Pinterest on the Day of the Daytona 500

Pinterest on the Day of the Daytona 500

The Great American Race starts in a few hours. Social media will definitely factor into the experience. Twitter will be abuzz as favorites take the lead, get squeezed out, held up in pit alley or bend a fender. What about Pinterest? The online bulletin board’s…

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Super Bowl Sunday: Thoughts for Local Advertisers

Super Bowl Sunday: Thoughts for Local Advertisers

Face painting, jersey wearing, team flag waving fans across the country gather today to watch the field turf competition of the year.  Not just any average sporting event; Nielson reports that 2011 Super Bowl attracted the most viewers in television history at 111 million.  2010’s…

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A 2012 Resolution for your Business

A 2012 Resolution for your Business

“If you’re always in a hurry, always trying to get ahead of the other guy, or someone else’s performance is what motivates you, then that person is in control of you.” Dr. Wayne Dyer First, I’m going to admit that I don’t do New Year’s…

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Dying a Slow Death:  Direct Mail

Dying a Slow Death: Direct Mail

I remember sitting in a marketing class in 1986 listening to a professor I respected very much talk about the genius of this ‘new’ target marketing.  Mail houses were collecting data and addresses for consumers and access to the lists was just a phone call and…

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