Archive for Life

10 Things My Dog Reminded Me About Today

10 Things My Dog Reminded Me About Today

Mia, our water dog and office mascot took a dip today.  It occurred to me as I watched her swim circles in the 40 degree water that maybe, just maybe, all the silly stuff she does isn’t so silly after all.  I mean the sun…

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Rose-Colored Glasses

Rose-Colored Glasses

Spending an afternoon with three generations of kind and engaging women is a one of those joys in life that can’t happen often enough.  Last weekend I escaped for a few hours with a family I wasn’t born into, but have earned a cherished place…

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A 2012 Resolution for your Business

A 2012 Resolution for your Business

“If you’re always in a hurry, always trying to get ahead of the other guy, or someone else’s performance is what motivates you, then that person is in control of you.” Dr. Wayne Dyer First, I’m going to admit that I don’t do New Year’s…

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Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

Hope this letter finds you and the Mrs. well and all things moving along as planned. It’s been a long time since I’ve written.  Excuse the absence – raising our family, running a business and the hustle and bustle that accompanies the holidays has left…

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Hello World!

Hello World!

Thanks for stopping by.  We hope you’ll enjoy the first of many random musings from the offices of Spectrum Communications. If someone had told us two years ago that we’d be sharing stories of our thoughts and experiences online for the world to read, we’d have told them they were…

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